Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fuckin' IRS! GRR!

That's SO fucked up!

Summary of IRS to taxpayers:

"Congradu-fuckin'-lations! If you are a whore or slut or complete asshole, we will be sending you a check weighted on how much of a piece of shit you are! So, you moved out of your parents house, got married, and knocked up at only 17 y/o?! Well you're in luck, because we want to pay you for being a worthless pile of dog shit!

As for all you so-called 'people with morals and standards', (whatever that means!) this should be a good reminder to you to get hitched and knocked up NOW!! We enjoy you mooching off of government cheese!

Better luck next year! *wink*"


QueenSallade said...

Hey I am a whore, not a married one, but a whore none the less! Can I really get money for that? How are you doing Bubby? Oh by the way, your comment worked on my myspace, I just have to approve it first, that is all. <3

QueenSallade said...

I guess I should have written you back here, but I wrote back to you on my blog. But anyways, I am sorry about that douche at work. Do you want me to kick him for you?

Naya said...

Yeah those people with kids are so lucky. Sittin in the lap of luxury just cuz they done popped out a scabby kid.
I don't understand why they IRS gotta take my money just to give it back to me again.
It's like "Ooooh we love money, we love YOUR money we just wanna touch it; just the tip to see how it feels." Then they go any fuck ya once you make some real money.
Or something. I don't get it.